38th Edition | Module 2023.2 – “Os donos do Direito – The Owners of Law: the collective biography os STF Ministers”

19/09/2023 11:57

The Ius Commune – Interinstitutional Group on the History of Legal Culture – UFSC/CNPq, coordinated by Profs. Drs. Arno Dal Ri Jr., Caetano Dias Corrêa and Diego Nunes, invites the entire academic community to participate in the 38th module of discussions entitled “Os donos do Direito” – The Owners of Law: the collective biography os STF Ministers.

De discussion aims to analyze the characteristis of STF Ministers among 1988 and 2013, from various points of view: family origin, academic training, regional circulation, aspects arround their legal-professional and political-partisan careers, using the propopographic method, or collective biography.

The module will feature debates and reports on recommended readings, which will be avaliable in PDF, seeking to study in a didatic way the topics covered each week according to the following schedule:

18/09: group presentation and introduction to the subject
25/09: chapter 1: social profile
02/10: chapter 2: cultural notoriety
09/10: chapter 3: the geographical trajectory
16/10: chapter 4: the academic trajetory
23/10: chapter 5: the political-party trajectory
30/10: chapter 6: the legal-professional trajectory

The meetings will be held on mondays, at 5pm, in room 111 of the CCJ/UFSC or remotely via Google Meet.

These are the links to the call, as well as the supporting material and the registrations form.

We wish everyone a good start to the semester!


37th Edition | Module 2023.1 – “The history and rise of the original rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil”

19/09/2023 11:51

The Ius Commune group invites the entire academic community to its 37th edition, which is entitled “The history and rise of the original rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil”. The module will feature debates and reports on recommended readings, seeking to study in a didatic way the topics covered each week, according to the following schedule:

04/25: Presentation of the group, definition of rapporteurs and brief introduction to the subject
05/02: Indigenous legislation in Colonial Brazil
05/16: Indigenous legislation in Brazilian Empire
05/23: Indigenous legislation in Brazilian Republic
05/30: The Indian Statute – Law 6.001/1973 and the Convention 169 of International Labor Organization – ILO
06/06: The 1988 Constitution and the issue of the “marco temporal”
06/13: The right to education and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The meetings will be hels on tuesdays (except on the 05/09) at 5pm, in room 005 of the CCJ/UFSC. The prior bibliography for the meetings is in a shared folder, which can be accessed via Instagram link, located in bio – @iuscommuneufsc.