Event: Customary indigenous ordinances as non-state legal systems: the law of the Sateré-Mawé People of the Amazon

20/04/2023 16:59

We invite the entire academic community and external public to the event “Indigenous customary orders as non-state legal orders: the rights of the Sateré-Mawé people of the Amazon”.

Firstly, there will be a conference with the leaders Sateré-Mawé João and Jafé Ferreira. Afterwards, we will have a debate between professors Arno Dal Ri Jr., Caetano Dias Correa, Danielle de Ouro Mamed and Diego Nunes.


2:30 pm: Opening
2:45 pm: Sateré-Mawé João Ferreira leadership conference
3:15 pm – Conference by Sateré-Mawé leadership and PPGD master’s student Jafé Ferreira
3:45 pm: Discussants: Prof. Arno Dal Ri Jr. Prof. Danielle Mamed Ouro, Prof. Diego Nunes and Prof. Caetano Dias Correa
4:30 pm: Closing

It will be in the auditorium of the UFSC Legal Sciences Center, on April 24th, at 2:30 pm.

Registration can be made through the link, and certificates will be issued.