23rd Edition | Module 2015.2
POWER AND PLANNING: The history of legal thought between politics and law
Coordinators: Prof. Arno Dal Ri Jr
Monitors: Felipe de Farias Ramos, Raquel Razente Sirotti e Thayrine Paôla Canteli
Place: Room 205, 2. floor, Center for Legal Sciences (CCJ), UFSC
Time: Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.
Want to know how the study group works? Go to Ius Commune > Activities.
Attention! The readings for each meeting will be available for copy at least one week in advance at the Copier Copier Quatro Irmãos, located in the Center for Communication and Expression (CCE) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Just request the folder of the Study Group on The History of Legal Culture (under the coordination of Prof. Arno Dal Ri Jr.).
1st Meeting: Presentation of the group.
2nd Meeting: Introduction to the theme and methodological premises of the group.
3rd Meeting: OLD AGE – Subjectivity and objectivity in the counterpoint between sophists and Plato.
4th Meeting: MEDIEVO – Objective order in grossian lenses and the precursor thinking of Modernity.
5th Meeting: MODERNITY – Locke.
6th Meeting: MODERNITY – Savigny.
7th Meeting: MODERNITY – Constant.
8th Meeting: MODERNITY – Santi Romano.
9th Meeting: CONTEMPORANEIDADE – Carl Schmitt.
10th Meeting: CONTEMPORANEITY – The conflict between majority government and individual freedom in Friedrich Hayek’s neoliberal model.
11th Meeting: CONTEMPORANEITY – The right in the globalized economy.
12th Meeting: Hard core in Law History.