26th Edition | Module 2017.1
CODES AND COMPILATIONS: the unification of written law in the history of Western legal culture
Coordinators:: Prof. Arno Dal Ri Jr e Prof. Diego Nunes
Monitors: Felipe de Farias Ramos, Guilherme Bedin e Marjorie Carvalho de Souza
Place: Room 205, 2. floor, Center for Legal Sciences (CCJ), UFSC
Time: Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.
Want to know how the study group works? Go to Ius Commune > Activities.
Attention! Readings for each meeting will be available at the link below:
1st Meeting: 03/28/2017 – Presentation of the group.
2nd Meeting: 04/04/2017 – Discussion on methodological assumptions of the study of the History of Law and Introduction to the theme of the module.
3rd Meeting: 04/11/2017 – The right in Ancient Rome and the compilation of Justinian.
4th Meeting: 04/18/2017 – Medieval legal pluralism: an orderly experience.
5th Meeting: 04/23/2017 – The codification of European private law (Congress).
6th Meeting: 05/02/2017 – Actual ordination: the compilations of the law law Portuguese.
7th Meeting: 05/09/2017 – Napoleonic Code: the unifying project of Legal Modernity.
8th Meeting: 05/16/2017 – The School of Exegesis: the positive right as a single source of law.
9th Meeting: 05/23/2017 – The historicism of Savigny and the opposition to the Codification.
10th Meeting: 05/30/2017 – Brazil I – Political independence and legal dependence in the First Reign: the continuity of the Portuguese right to the creation of the Criminal Code.
11th Meeting: 06/06/2017 – Brazil II – Between projects and consolidations: the long process of creating civil codification.
12th Meeting: 06/13/2017 – Hard Core in Methodology of the History of Law.