Lecture “Derechos y cohesión social” com Massimo Meccarelli
The lecture “Derechos y Cohesión Social” took place on 09/06/2018. A historical and legal perspective.” with Professor Massimo Meccarelli, from the Università degli Studi di Macerata, Italy. The professor will present the results of his most recent research in the history of law and legal guardianship, which resulted in the publication “Diritti and coesione sociale. Una prospettiva storico-giuridica” in the work “Social cohesion and human rights. Reflections on the Contemporary Society” (Milano, Franco Angeli; p. 9 – 32) drawing a historical comparison on the subject from the 16th century to the present.
In the afternoon, students Bárbara Cunha, Guilherme Bedin, Gustavo Gomes, Kristal Moreira, Kely Cristina Silva, Mayessa H. Costa, Marcos Poersch Zanovello and Murilo de Robbio were able to present their research to the Professor, who kindly made notes in order to contribute to the orientation of the works.
Ius Commune appreciates the presence of all, and especially Professor Pilati who collaborated for the organization of the event on behalf of the Center for Legal Sciences, and Professor Arno Dal Ri Jr., on behalf of the Post-Graduate Program in Law of UFSC.