Ius Commune – Grupo Interinstitucional em História da Cultura Jurídica
  • 37th Edition | Module 2023.1 – “The history and rise of the original rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil”

    Publicado em 19/09/2023 às 11:51 AM

    The Ius Commune group invites the entire academic community to its 37th edition, which is entitled “The history and rise of the original rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil”. The module will feature debates and reports on recommended readings, seeking to study in a didatic way the topics covered each week, according to the following schedule:

    04/25: Presentation of the group, definition of rapporteurs and brief introduction to the subject
    05/02: Indigenous legislation in Colonial Brazil
    05/16: Indigenous legislation in Brazilian Empire
    05/23: Indigenous legislation in Brazilian Republic
    05/30: The Indian Statute – Law 6.001/1973 and the Convention 169 of International Labor Organization – ILO
    06/06: The 1988 Constitution and the issue of the “marco temporal”
    06/13: The right to education and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    The meetings will be hels on tuesdays (except on the 05/09) at 5pm, in room 005 of the CCJ/UFSC. The prior bibliography for the meetings is in a shared folder, which can be accessed via Instagram link, located in bio – @iuscommuneufsc.

  • Event: IX History of Law Course: The judge’s interpretation of the Law

    Publicado em 20/04/2023 às 05:11 PM

    The Ius Commune Group invites the entire academic community and external public to the lecture series entitled “IX Course on the History of Law: The interpretation of the Law by the judge”. The event will be attended by Professor Serge Dauchy, from the University of Lille (France).

    Themes and schedule:

    26.04: The judge’s interpretation of the Law;
    27.04: The repertoire of decisions and Arrestography in the legal literature of the Old Regime;
    28.04: The Rule of Law – a comparative approach between Civil and Common Law in a historical perspective.

    It will be on the 26th, 27th and 28th of April, in room 303 of the CCJ/UFSC, at 2:30 pm.

  • Event: Customary indigenous ordinances as non-state legal systems: the law of the Sateré-Mawé People of the Amazon

    Publicado em 20/04/2023 às 04:59 PM

    We invite the entire academic community and external public to the event “Indigenous customary orders as non-state legal orders: the rights of the Sateré-Mawé people of the Amazon”.

    Firstly, there will be a conference with the leaders Sateré-Mawé João and Jafé Ferreira. Afterwards, we will have a debate between professors Arno Dal Ri Jr., Caetano Dias Correa, Danielle de Ouro Mamed and Diego Nunes.


    2:30 pm: Opening
    2:45 pm: Sateré-Mawé João Ferreira leadership conference
    3:15 pm – Conference by Sateré-Mawé leadership and PPGD master’s student Jafé Ferreira
    3:45 pm: Discussants: Prof. Arno Dal Ri Jr. Prof. Danielle Mamed Ouro, Prof. Diego Nunes and Prof. Caetano Dias Correa
    4:30 pm: Closing

    It will be in the auditorium of the UFSC Legal Sciences Center, on April 24th, at 2:30 pm.

    Registration can be made through the link, and certificates will be issued.

  • Event: The costume as a judgment norm, special participation of Professor Raffaele Volante

    Publicado em 11/03/2023 às 10:15 AM

    The Ius Commune – Interinstitutional Group on the History of Legal Culture – UFSC/CNPq, invites the entire academic community to participate in the event entitled “The costume as a judgment norm”, that will be performed by Professor Raffaele Volante of the Padua University, in Italy.

    This activity opens the semester of the study group in legal history in 2023.

  • 36th Edition | Module 2022.2 – Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil: Law in the Construction of the Nation-State

    Publicado em 09/10/2022 às 04:50 PM

    The Ius Commune – Interinstitutional Group on the History of Legal Culture – UFSC/CNPq, coordinated by Profs. Drs. Arno Dal Ri Jr., Caetano Dias Corrêa and Diego Nunes, invites the entire academic community to participate in the 36th module of discussions entitled Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil: Law in the Construction of the Nation-State.

    The present edition of Grupo Ius Commune will address the events before and after the Independence of the tupiniquim country, as well as its more detailed aspects, such as the participation of women, the presence of religion in the Brazilian scenario and the slave-holding context.

    Registration at the link: https://forms.gle/gjaiz1a5ao25MkaC6

    Previous reading of the base and complementary texts available is expected. To access the bibliography, simply click on this link and access our Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16XN-fJhDykcS0id4t4VMV3YMs_an4kHc?usp=sharing

    A certificate of participation will be awarded to those who participate in 75% of the study group meetings. The module’s opening meeting will be on 10/04 at 5 pm, and other meetings will continue to take place weekly, on Tuesdays, at the same time.

    All meetings will take place in room 005 of the UFSC Legal Sciences Center. We count on the participation of all! Until then!


    October 04 – Presentation of the group, definition of reports and brief introduction to the subject
    October 11 – Political repression in Empire Brazil
    October 18 – Religion and Constitution
    October 25 – The Political Constitution of the Empire of Brazil of 1824 – constituent process and organization of the national state
    November 01 – The Political Constitution of the Empire of Brazil of 1824 – the Council of State and the Control of Constitutionality
    November 8 – Slavery and Free Africans
    November 22 – Women in Brazil Empire
    November 29 – The Carrancas Revolt and the Post-Independence Revolts

  • Minicourse “The World of Collective Lands and Quilombos in Brazil”

    Publicado em 15/09/2022 às 09:44 PM


    We invite everyone to our minicourse “The World of Collective Lands and Quilombos in Brazil“!

    Within the scenario of changes in agents and themes that have been challenging the field of studies and research in the history of law in recent decades, especially for the implementation of affirmative action policies in public education. The minicourse aims to discuss the relevance of collective property models, considering, therefore, the historical and legal experience of the formation of quilombos in Brazil, as a form of sociability of Africans and Afro-Brazilians who experienced the modern process of the black diaspora and as a counterpoint to the now established model of private property in the western civilizations.

    – It will take place on September 27 and 28 at the CCJ/UFSC Auditorium, from 2 pm to 6 pm
    – Registration at the link: http://inscricoes.ufsc.br/terras-coletivas-quilombos

    *There will be no broadcast

  • The Implementation of the 17 Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda in the International Community: Sustainability, Peace, Justice and Freedom

    Publicado em 01/09/2022 às 09:00 PM

    The course aims to provide researchers and students of the Graduate Program in Law and other programs involved in the NEXUS/PRINT/CAPES project, as well as operators in the environmental legal area, a current, in-depth and articulated picture of the genesis and policies implementation of the 17 World Sustainability goals provided for in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (UN) in Brazil and in the International Community, covering in greater detail some specific themes provided for in the 17 goals, such as Peace, Freedom, Access to Justice, Production and Consumption, and the connection with those specifically foreseen by the NEXUS project closely linked to the UN goals in favor of sustainability, such as Water, Energy and Food. The course structure will be composed of lectures to be given by the invited speakers and from this ateneu and the themes contemplated in the objective are divided into three main axes, that is, the “Promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies”, “Access to justice” and the “Building Effective Institutions”.

    – Paolo Palchetti (University Paris 1)
    – Claudia Storti (University of Milan)
    – Georges Martyn (Universiteit Gent)
    – Cristiane Derani (UFSC)
    – Arno Dal Ri Jr. (UFSC)
    – Aline Beltrame Moura (UFSC)
    – Diego Nunes (UFSC)
    – Caetano Dias Correa (UFSC)
    – Paolo Potiara A. Veloso (CESUSC)

    – Arno Dal Ri Jr. (UFSC)

    Registration at http://inscricoes.ufsc.br/activities/7744

    Full schedule available on Ius Commune and Ius Gentium’s Instagram.

  • Book: “A Cor da História & A História da Cor”

    Publicado em 23/06/2022 às 05:39 PM

    “How many black professors of History of Law teach in Brazilian universities? How many Law History books, included in the mandatory bibliographies of our schools, were written by black authors? How many black jurists – such as Tobias Barreto, Luís Gama, José do Patrocínio and Evaristo de Morais – are remembered in the discipline of History of Law? How many contributions of Afro-diasporic culture to the construction of the national legal system are we able to cite? The History of Law still silences and makes the non-white community invisible, hiding the “sangue retinto pisado/ atrás do herói emoldurado/ mulheres, tamoios, mulatos”.

    This book, A cor da história & a história da cor, opens the Coleção Novos Rumos for the History of Law, and was born from the dreams of freedom of black men and women, inspired by the memories, stories and legacy of ancestors in Africa and the Diaspora. The proposal is to present several themes of History and History of Law, in an Afro-referenced perspective and based on the theoretical-methodological category of intersubjectivation, through the voices of black and black researchers, breaking with epistemic racism and epistemicide. that mark the legal sciences in the Brazilian experience. This initiative is necessary, since “the project of western modernity has largely erased from the legal sciences, in addition to knowledge, the trajectories of black people who produce them” (From the Introduction).

    The work has contributions from several researchers / black / Brazilian to African and has a special preface by Professor Dora Lúcia Bertúlio, a leading researcher in the field of Law and Race Relations, a thinker beyond her time. It also has contributions from:

    Fodé Abulai Mané

    Philippe Oliveira de Almeida

    Vanilda Honoria dos Santos

    Luciano Góes

    Rodrigo Portela Gomes

    Jadir Anunciação de Brito

    Edmo Cidade de Jesus

    Clarindo Epaminondas de Sá Neto

    Mario Davi Barbosa

    Daniel Carvalho Ferreira

    Julio Cesar Costa Manoel

    Karen de Souza Silva

    Flavio Junio ​​Neres Muniz

    Ana Carolina Barros Meireles

    Laura Rodrigues Hermando

  • 35th Edition | Module 2022.1 – 100 years of “Political Theology” by Carl Schmitt

    Publicado em 23/06/2022 às 05:26 PM


    The Ius Commune – Interinstitutional Group on the History of Legal Culture – UFSC/CNPq, coordinated by Profs. Drs. Arno Dal Ri Jr., Caetano Dias Corrêa and Diego Nunes, invites the entire academic community to participate in the 35th module of discussions entitled The 100 years of “Political Theology”, by Carl Schmitt.

    The present edition of Grupo Ius Commune will address the classic work “Political Theology”, written by Carl Schmitt in 1922. The study will contemplate the author’s main ideas in relation to the concepts of sovereignty, secularization and the foundations of the modern conception of state, emphasizing always the relationship of the points dealt not only with theology, but also with the reality in which we are inserted.

    Previous reading of the base and complementary texts available is expected. To access the bibliography, just click on this link and access our Drive:


    A certificate of participation will be awarded to those who participate in 75% of the study group meetings. The module’s opening meeting will be on 05/24 at 4 pm, and other meetings will continue to take place weekly, on Tuesdays, at the same time.

    All meetings will take place in room 005 of the UFSC Legal Sciences Center. We count on the participation of all! See you soon!


    1st meeting (May 24, 2022) — Presentation of the group, organization of meetings and introduction to the module topic.

    2nd meeting (May 31, 2022) — First chapter of the work “Political Theology”.

    3rd meeting (June 07, 2022) – Second chapter of the work “Political Theology”.

    4th meeting (June 14, 2022) — Third chapter of the work “Political Theology”.

    5th meeting (June 21, 2022) — Fourth chapter of the work “Political Theology”.

    6th meeting (June 28, 2022) — The polemic with Peterson: Political Theology II.

    Further Reading: Erik Peterson (The monotheism as a political problem); Leonardo Carrilho Jorge (The Theological-Political Problem: a dialogue between the jurist Carl Schmitt and the theologian Erik Peterson).

    7th meeting (July 5, 2022) — Uses of Agamben: Homo Sacer, vol 1, part 1 – logic of sovereignty, p. 21-69.

    8th meeting (July 12, 2022) — Uses of Mbembe: Necropolitics Essay.

    9th meeting (July 19, 2022) — The revision of the Nomos da Terra: 4 first subtitles of ch. 1, pgs. 35 – 77.

  • 34th Edition | Module 2021 – “Writing Legal History: Reconstruction, Narrative or Fiction”, by Michael Stolleis

    Publicado em 23/06/2022 às 12:33 PM

    The Ius Commune – Interinstitutional Group on the History of Legal Culture – UFSC/CNPq, coordinated by Profs. Drs. Arno Dal Ri Jr., Caetano Dias Corrêa and Diego Nunes, invites the entire academic community to participate in the 34th module of discussions entitled “Writing History of Law: Reconstruction, Narrative or Fiction”, by Michael Stolleis.

    Based on the renowned work of Stolleis, the present edition of Grupo Ius Commune will seek to carry out its study contemplating his main ideas about the methodology of the History of Law, emphasizing the importance of conceiving the Science of Law far beyond just the mere narration in extensive books.

    Previous reading of the base and complementary texts available is expected. To access the bibliography, just click on this link and access our Drive:


    A certificate of participation will be awarded to those who participate in 75% of the study group meetings. The module’s opening meeting will be on 02/01, at 4:30 pm and other meetings will continue to take place weekly, on Tuesdays, at the same time.

    The event will take place via Google Meet and the room link will be emailed to subscribers. We count on the participation of all! Until then!


    1st meeting (02/01) – Group presentation, organization of meetings and introduction to the module theme

    2nd meeting (02/08) – Chaps. I and II (up to item 2.8)

    Complementary Reading: Spain, European Legal Culture. pp. 45 to 97

    3rd meeting (02/15) – Chapter II, from item 2.9 onwards.

    Complementary Reading: Costa (Telling the truth: an impossible mission for historiography?)

    4th meeting (22/02) – Caps. III and IV

    Complementary Reading: Costa (What is the history of law for? A humble praise of uselessness)